A Farming dream...
About us
If you wanted, you could say that we're just a bunch of apple fanatics. You could also say we're suckers for colorful flower fields and delicious wines. Or, you could say that from early Spring until late Fall our lives revolve around plants and what they want. And for all of it, you'd be right. Because here at Devoto Gardens & Orchards we strive to provide the best products for our customers, so if that means that our lives are ruled by nature, then so be it.
An annual cycle...
Flowers, Apples & Grapes
Having a farm is no easy feat. During the first few months of the year most of our products are hibernating and enjoying the deserved winter chill. However, once the first spurts of warmth come around, our farm starts to pop with color with flowers. In between harvesting our early Spring flowers we are pruning our apples and grapes.
Once Summer begins, things start to kick into gear around the farm. In mid-Summer you'll find us deep in the orchards and fields harvesting our heirloom apples and specialty flowers. This will last until mid-November. Somewhere in between, we find time to harvest our grapes once they are at the desired brix levels. We play this game until all of our products are harvested, and then the cycle starts all over again. Check out each of our products below.
“Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness.”